Cute little pint-sized hospital gown for a pint-sized baby boy.

Today we got up at 4:30 am to get to S&W hospital in Temple for Josiah's surgery to have his "tongue clipped" since he is tongue tied and having feeding/growing issues. After a very early morning (and not being able to feed josiah before going under anesthesia) we got to the hospital to begin pre-op procedures only to find Josiah had a temp. which was just significant enough to cause the surgeon and anesthesiologist to come to our room for an extra evaluation. After some debate, we decided it would be best to wait on the surgery to be on the safe side. SOOO....we are hoping to reschedule for this coming Friday. Thanks to those who have been praying...one of my biggest worries was that Josiah had to be fasting and I figured he would be screaming the entire trip from Waco to Temple but he actually fell right asleep and was quite pleasant. Praises.