Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy 3 Months!

josiah is 3 months old today!
i can't believe it...time is really flying by. he is our special little man & has my heart strings tied to him already. he is a little booger but awfully strong! he is ready for the races and seems to gets frustrated when he can't quite accomplish something he wants to do...adorable. he is really a go getter...squirming & rolling all over his play mat...i think we well need to have our running shoes on to keep up with him!


jjbelieves said...

HAPPY 3 MONTH BIRTHDAY, JOSIAH!!! I AM SO EXCITED CAUSE I JUST REALIZED THAT THE PICTURES FILL THE SCREEN WHEN I CLICK ON THEM AND THAT I CAN SAVE THEM IN MY PICTURES FILES... I REALLY LOVE THAT! PLUS THE PICTURES ARE WAY BETTER big! I've got a super grandson, and he just keeps getter smarter and cuter every single day. I can already tell that he is going to be a real "go-getter"! Thanks for sharing, Jessi & Jody! :) mom/jan/GRANDMOM

Deborah McCoy said...

Hey you! love the pictures. you guys look great. I miss you. :)